Monday 30 July 2012

Which Beard Are You?

I sheepishly approach this post knowing full well it's been over a month since I posted last. I would like to believe it's because my duties as a rockstar leave me little time for all the Sweet Nothings I have to share with you, but in all, let's go with that. Rockstars have very little time for writing about Sweet Nothings, of which I am chief.

And it's not for a lack of Sweet Nothings; there's an abundance of material. For example, has anyone noticed how many Beachy Mennonites are playing in the Major Leagues? Look at this:

It's like an entire Ordnung was drafted.

Then there's the Olympics: James Bond, Her Majesty The Queen, Rowan Atkinsson...some athletes...what more entertainment could you possibly need? (Go Canada)

Tom & Katie Called It Quits!

I think it's the overload of hip and trendy information that's overpowered my will to discuss any of it! That and I've been putting this year's beach body to excellent use in this seemingly endless summer of sunshine and who wants to take their typewriter to the beach?

I do have high hopes of brain spasms erupting in brilliant bursts of literate jargon that I will spew forth on this here blog...but until then, I will have to continue spewing forth this rubbish. But I do promise, brilliance is forthcoming.