Thursday 20 September 2012

Canada Spotlight: Music

The Canadian Fountain of Awesome

I'm not overly patriotic. Or to be more honest, I'm a selective patriot. I'm incredibly proud of Canada when it suits me and a critical cynic when necessary. Other times I'm delightfully indifferent.

This is a Pro-Canada post.

Canada has a Fountain of Awesome from whence cometh forth springs of originality. I decided it's only right to share the bedazzlement of Canada with any and all readers of Sweet Nothings so you can see why so many Canucks are proud to call this county "Home." I call this series "Canada Spotlight" for the same reason I call this blog "Sweet Nothings" - I couldn't think of anything better in the 10 seconds of thought I gave it.

Canada has a long and rich musical history that includes names such as Neil Young, Joni Mitchell, The Band and Gordon Lightfoot. There are plenty of popular names in mainstream music that herald from Canada and we're never lacking in shipping off one more entertainer to LA (Biebs, what's up homey?) but there's so much more to Canadian music than the next Drake single. I'm here to educate you on the musicians that have drank from the Fountain of Awesome.

Corb Lund & The Hurtin' Albertans

If I mention "Stompin' Tom" to anyone within a 5 mile (or 5 kilometre) radius they'll immediately start singing either "The Hockey Song" or "Tillsonburg." He's sort of heralded as the troubadour of Canadian music. But if I mention "Corb Lund" within a 500 mile radius...I'd be lucky if anyone's even heard of the guy, let alone will start singing one of his songs. He is the real troubadour, with real songs about this country and the folks that make it what it is. I gifted his most recent album, "Cabin Fever" to my brother Kyle and his wife Tracy when they took off on their honeymoon...aren't they lucky? Needless to say, I asked to borrow it soon after they returned and have been listening to it steadily for the past couple weeks. Phenomenal songwriting with outrageous musicianship make this album my favourite Corb Lund record to date. Tracks such as "September" and "Gettin' Down On The Mountain" showcase this while "Bible On The Dash" and "Cows Around" show off his infamous comedic side. The Deluxe Edition includes a "Fever Side" (electric) and a "Cabin Side" (acoustic). Both are excellent.

Corb Lund originates from Edmonton, Alberta and much of his songs center around Western Canada. You may have heard of his first band, The Smalls; a heavy metal punk band. Or maybe not. He also studied jazz guitar and bass at the Grant MacEwan College in Edmonton so this cowpoke has done a little more than write songs from the saddle. And while he has a cult following throughout Canada and the US, this particular Hurtin'n Albertan has very little mainstream attention, even in the homeland. Why anyone would subject themselves to listening to some of the most God-awful mainstream country instead of delving into priceless gems like Corb Lund is beyond me. If you have anything to do with country music you need this in your life. Even if  have very little to do with country music...this is necessary to your ears. your heart out!

The Sheepdogs

These guys were a random find for me and I didn't discover until recently that they are from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. That is because they sound like a Black Keys-Allman Brothers hybrid. Southern Rock at its absolute finest coming all the way from the frozen prairie lands of Canada. How does this happen?

What drew me to this album was, no kidding, their album cover. It looks really cool. I immediately grooved out to "I Don't Know" from their last album, "Learn & Burn" and when their self-titled new recording was released a few weeks back I snatched one up quick-fast. Favourite tracks so far are "Alright OK" and "The Way It Is." I was listening to the latter just yesterday and kept thinking to myself how similar sounding (0:56) it was to The Black Keys until I could bear it no longer. So I did a minute's research and discovered it was produced by none other than Black Key's drummer, Patrick Carney. Well done Mr. Carney.

They sound like they stepped out of 1970-something Rock and, while still relatively unknown, they are gaining in popularity throughout the US. This past year they've played big gigs such as festival Coachella and I'm certain we'll continue to see them infiltrate the states in the future. Lord knows they need better rock than American Idol and The Voice can serve up...never fear! Canada has got you covered! Or as one YouTuber put it:

"dear world, sorry for giving you justin beiber, we thought you guys would like him but obviously not. We are sorry and as part of our apology, we give you the sheepdogs in hopes that you will forgive our mistake to the world.
your's truly, Canada"

What about you? What Canadian band and/or artist is currently rocking your socks off, if any?

*In the next edition of Canada Spotlight: Food.

Thursday 13 September 2012

November. Nashville. N...

At some point in recent years I made the unconscious decision to make one major annual pilgrimage to the United States to see a musical hero, usually situated in or around the area of Nashville. I could often go see these exact same musicians/artists somewhere closer like Detroit but then...I'd be in Detroit. The only thing worth seeing in Mitch-gan is the unnatural amount of road-kill. Ouch. (Before I get a barrage of Pro-Michigan hoopla let me apologize's just that I spent five years of my life going up and down and up and down the I-69 and have seen so many mangled deer it's a wonder I'm not more traumatized.) 

But back to the beginning.

I've seen artists such as Alison Krauss, Rhonda Vincent, Dailey & Vincent (OK, that was Indiana), The Cox Family, some crazy buskers on Broadway that I'll make a point to avoid this time around...suffice it to say, I love Nashville for all the musical history that's been made there, is being made there and will undoubtedly continue to be made there. So it's hard to say "no" when a hero stops in at The Ryman. Especially when that hero is from Manchester, UK and doesn't spend a lot of time State-side.

About a year or two ago I was wasting time on YouTube yet again, watching Dan Auerbach interviews and stumbled across a "series" (YouTube has destroyed us) called "Amoeba: What's In My Bag?" It's basically a bunch of musicians who go shopping at Amoeba Records in LA and get interviewed on what CDs and records they're buying so we can all see what inspires them, blah, blah, blah. It's the kind of crap I can watch for hours. So after Dan Auerbach had convinced me to buy a copy of Moby Grape's "The Place And The Time" I started looking for other videos and saw one of a guy called...

Noel Gallagher.

*Here is where I apologize for not  having known who Oasis was. While they were getting famous in England I was watching Bugs Bunny re-runs and falling in love with Prince Eric from "The Little Mermaid" so forgive me if I wasn't caught up on my current stadium bands.

Anyway, I clicked on the video because I liked the way he'd done up his flannel shirt and the fact that he used the word "accosted" and couldn't stop listening to him talk. I looked up interview after interview, discovered Oasis, discovered Oasis had split, became a Noel-over-Liam fan, realized I'd heard a few of their songs before and got positively amped when I heard Noel was doing a solo album, bought the album, loved the album (very different from Oasis and better), bought tickets to see Noel. In Nashville. This November.

I'm very, very excited.

So is Mr. Gallagher.

And if schedule's and things work out I'll be joined on this pilgrimage to the Musica Holy Lands with none other than brilliant fellow blogger and Muso Jessica.

Noel Gallagher is a proper rockstar. He seems to have created a legend of himself in the Oasis heydays and has been both a self-ascribed and critically acclaimed genius. He's certainly not the greatest guitar player which he admits but he makes up for that by writing great songs and giving brilliant and hilarious interviews. He's an outspoken, opinionated, mouthy, leather-jacket clad Irish lad from Manchester who thinks the world of himself. He swears too much, brags too much, probably still drinks too much...Aside from his excellent accent and solo album I had to re-evaluate why I was so enamoured with him. A lot of it comes down to seeing eye to eye with him about much of the music industry. I can be listening to him in an interview and find myself nodding and amen-ing along as he bulldozes through issues like royalties and songwriting and rap and the like. But that's about it. I don't have any similar experience with drugs or Blur wars or not getting on with my brother. And I think he reminds me a bit of Bob Dylan...or at least the '64-'66 Dylan. Not sure what either one would think of that. Although I can say with all certainty Noel Gallagher will never be mistaken for a poet.

And yes, it is imperative that I go. He infamously takes off 1-2 years between tours and recording...I could be ancient by the time he gets around to the next tour. Life is already too short and why wait until later to do what can be done now?

So there you have it. I've got to find some creative way to announce my departure to my parents and buy a detailed road map of the USA before November 4. Until then, I'll be listening to this album and, oh yeah, Snow Patrol. Cause they'll be there too.

Thursday 16 August 2012

Inspiration...Or At Least Motivation

I have this brilliant friend, Jess who nominated me for a blogging award, which I will hitherto refer to as a Bloggy. As an up-and-coming blog, I am eligible for this type of recognition, even though I am fully aware  I've done nothing to deserve it.

All I have to do is name 5 new(ish) blogs which I can't do (I only know of one besides the aforementioned brilliant friend), list 5 things about myself, and answer 5 questions from Jess.

About Me

1. As a believer in Christ, I've chosen to worship in the same body of believers I was raised in: The Mennonites. I love being Mennonite. I love sausage dinners, acappella singing and shocking other Mennonites with my open mind.

2. I'm a music junkie. My favourite genre is bluegrass and I play in a band called Rescue Junction. They prefer I do not call it "Kaitlyn Gerber & Rescue Junction." I have a very eclectic collection of music ranging from Bill Monroe to The Black Keys to Rihanna to The Quebe Sisters (A Texas swing trio that will rock your socks.)

3. I have a strong desire to visit the Holy Lands and also spend time in a highly populated Muslim country such as Jordan or Morocco.

4. I spend more money on watches than anything is the one piece of bling Mennonites can get away with and do I.

5. I collect vinyl records and was doing it before the Hipster movement. Write that down.

Questions From Jessica

1. Where would you live if you could? I would love to live in England, primarily the London area. Or somewhere in the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee...every time I go through that area I get an uneasy feeling I was born in the wrong country.

2. What is your weakness? The first one that comes to mind would be my short temper. This will usually come out when I play sports...or crokinole.

3. What was the best day of your life so far? There have been a few...(like last Saturday when I walked up to the Starbucks counter at my local Chapters and the barista said, "Vanilla Latte?" I verbally hugged him and we shared a moment of happy took a few years but there's finally one barista in Canada that can start my drink when I walk in the door). But one of the very best was the day I opened the box with RJ's first album in it. Singing and performing had been a dream of mine since I was 3 or 4 years old and to finally be holding a copy of my own work in my hands was euphoric.
That or the day my son was born. I'm kidding, I don't have children.

4. What would your last meal on earth be? Something vegetarian....because then I would want to die. But seriousssssly....probably Filet Mignon with a twice baked potato, steamed green beans, Greek pasta salad, raspberry custard pie and coffee.

5. If you became independently wealthy, what 3 things would you buy first? 
    -A Rolex Vintage Date model, yellow gold, fluted bezel with black leather strap
    -A mansion with an infinity pool, games room (pool, table tennis, poker), and a butler.
    -A tour bus for Rescue Junction so we could tour across the country

The one up-and-coming blog I'd nominate for a Bloggy would be Shelley - she will either make you laugh or shock you. Either way, it's entertaining. And my questions for Shelley are thus:

1. What is your greatest fear?

2. What would be your ideal future?

3. Who has inspired you the most in writing?

4. If you could have any superpower, which would you choose?

5. 1 + 1 = ?

And here are couple of blogs I waste spend time at:

Books of Adam - This guy has more than a great sense of humour; he has the ability to turn his hilarious life experiences into cartoon form. Love it.

Suri's Burn Book - A study in Suri and the people who disappoint her. Hi-lar-ious. And frighteningly believable.

And now to leave you with one last jolt of awesome:

If you are not dancing to this you are lying...or dead.

Monday 30 July 2012

Which Beard Are You?

I sheepishly approach this post knowing full well it's been over a month since I posted last. I would like to believe it's because my duties as a rockstar leave me little time for all the Sweet Nothings I have to share with you, but in all, let's go with that. Rockstars have very little time for writing about Sweet Nothings, of which I am chief.

And it's not for a lack of Sweet Nothings; there's an abundance of material. For example, has anyone noticed how many Beachy Mennonites are playing in the Major Leagues? Look at this:

It's like an entire Ordnung was drafted.

Then there's the Olympics: James Bond, Her Majesty The Queen, Rowan Atkinsson...some athletes...what more entertainment could you possibly need? (Go Canada)

Tom & Katie Called It Quits!

I think it's the overload of hip and trendy information that's overpowered my will to discuss any of it! That and I've been putting this year's beach body to excellent use in this seemingly endless summer of sunshine and who wants to take their typewriter to the beach?

I do have high hopes of brain spasms erupting in brilliant bursts of literate jargon that I will spew forth on this here blog...but until then, I will have to continue spewing forth this rubbish. But I do promise, brilliance is forthcoming.

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Rescue Junction To Hit The High C...I Mean, High Sea

For any followers of Xanga's illustrious "Gerbs11" it may come as no surprise that I have been following my passion of bluegrass with the best group of bandmates anyone could ask for. We call ourselves "Rescue Junction" because my mom didn't like "Sonic Death Monkey" and we released our first recording last fall.

Since this blog is a self ascribed pedestal for me to herald my life from, it should also come as no surprise that I will do just that. So pull out your wallets and mark off your calendars because you're invited to join us (Rescue Junction, not Sonic Death Monkey) on the Sail & Sing Christian Cruise that will spirit you from Seattle, WA to the majestic world of Alaska.

Groups/Artists such as The Coblentz Family, John Schmid and Ryan & Friends will be "headlining" the tour and according to previous tour-guests, it is a highly populated Amish & Mennonite affair. Should make for some awkward poolside encounters

Sign up and make sure you mention you're with Rescue Junction. You get extra fluff in your pillows and first choice of the lifeboats.

Call the number in the video or e-mail moi at for more information.

Saturday 2 June 2012

My Week So Far

*WARNING* This post contains graphic violence

I would like to take you, my dear friends and family, on a journey into what this week has consisted of.

Tuesday - I awake at 10 AM, confused as to why I'm still in bed when I should be at my desk, before reality hits and I spring forward to face the adventure of the day. I'm off to have my four wisdom teeth pulled. Yanked. Pried from the grasp of my nagging gums. There is a brief pause in my focus as I search our house for an umbrella as Mother Nature has decided to unleash what appears to be a horizontal hurricane. Then I race over to work, pick up my Father and head to the dentist's.

I arrive in perfect time (as is my style) and take a seat with a random edition of Sports Illustrated that I distractedly flip through after signing a paper that basically gives them the right to rip my mouth apart. Shortly after, a nurse/dentist-sidekick comes out and makes me drink down a shot of a warm, thick blue substance. Bottoms up. She returns about 15 minutes later and I stand up at which point I realize I have no sense of up or down, side to side or what exactly is happening to my body. She helps me find my way to The Room as I bump into walls and corners to the entertainment of all until I happily collapse on the dentist chair and calmly await the gruesome scene to unfold.

Enter Dentist.

He begins with the freezing (which is the Sunday School Picnic) and then proceeds to ask me questions as all dentists do. Then it begins. The first tooth is excellent, already through the gum, and he yanks that no problemo. The second is my lower right side and he has to cut in, rip it out, yada yada, until success. I remember wondering why he was flossing my teeth before I realized he was putting stitches in. 

The third is much like the first, only easier. So easy in fact that I don't believe even the dentist is prepared for how quickly it obligingly dismisses itself from the gum. And into my mouth. And then falls back into my throat where I proceed to cough/gag on it until the nurse/dentist-sidekick heroically vacuums it out with one of the many suction things that are racing about in my mouth. 

But the fourth and last tooth was apparently sent from Lucifer to destroy me. It seems to take an eternity as the dentist switches between what feels like a tiny saw and a gigantic pair of pliers as he tugs and cuts and pulls and yanks. I feel that sucker wrapping it's tentacle-ly little arms around the very base of my jaw (where NO freezing seemed to reach) before my Dentist and Jesus won the victory over that little demon. When Mr. Dentist is finished, I realize there is blood all over the room! Well, at least on his glasses, gloves, mouth-cover-thing...

I am then paraded through the waiting room and released to my Father who heroically returns me home where I fall into an unconscious stupor before the searing pain sets in. Enter Tylenol 3.

Wednesday - I awake looking like this:

Only white. And not as happy.

I spent a vast majority of my day vomiting everything I tried to put down (apparently I did not react well to the anti-biotics). Do you have any idea what it's like to suffer what seems to be non-stop vomit with a face twice its normal size and a jaw that won't open properly?

It's awful.

Thursday - Continued to look like Fat Albert but with a more successful stomach. Became increasingly depressed with my face and when Mom and Dad took me out for a milkshake, insisted on sitting behind tinted windows and NO leaving the vehicle.

Friday - The first day I recognized any actual difference in facial swelling. I spent my entire morning and afternoon simultaneously watching movies and Road to Avonlea episodes non-stop and serving as a personal couch to my giant cat, Pippin. I did suffer through watching my sister and her boyfriend happily stuff themselves with Papa Johns pizza before I retired for the evening. The newest development is a light, yellow bruising that can only be mistaken for someone gently rubbing my cheeks with dandelions.

Saturday - Today I've noticed a more considerable amount of happy change to my face, have successfully kept all my food down and currently have no signs of infection. KNOCK ON WOOD!

I am hoping to look more like a human instead of a human that ate another human by tomorrow morning.

As far as my current diet has been going, I've been working my way through "100 Different Ways to Eat Potatoes" (currently I've completed "mashed", "in potato soup" and "the innards of a Tater-Tot") and of course have injested the classic applesauce, ice cream, scrambled eggs, chocolate milk, pineapple juice, water, and Gatorade throughout the course of the week. And coffee, praise God.

Incidentally, I'm compiling a list of foods/restaurants I'll be visiting as soon as this mouth allows: McDonalds Junior Chickens and FRIESSSS, The KEG Steakhouse, Shawarma, Poutine, Chinese, Taco Bell (for as many cheesy beef burritos as I can possibly stand), Papa-Blessed-Johns and any and all burger joints I can find.

And that's just Day 1.

Friday 25 May 2012

It's worth noting that since my previous post and claims of the Cubs having a winning month of May we've proceeded to lose every game since. Nine in a row. And Kerry Wood officially retired...he got out just before the Sox swept us.

And it gets worse.

If my math is correct, we have to win 5 out of the next 6 games (with the Blue Jays losing every one of their remaining games) to win The Bet. Things are looking drab.

However, the sun is shining, the birds are literally just flew into a closed office window and gave me a chuckle. But with every silver lining comes a cloud (I am not a pessimist, just an unfortunate soul...proceed in reading...). Next Tuesday morning, despite all the shining sun and screeching birds God may give, I have an appointment with The Dentist. The kind of appointment that involves a heavy dosage of drugs, sharp instruments of torture, pliers, teeth and the departure of any wisdom that was in them.

Being the brute for punishment that I am, I decided to explore the world of Wisdom Teeth Extraction. I read first hand accounts, horror stories, pros and cons to anaesthetic (I will be wide awake for this experience - I refuse to die on the operating table of a dentist) and because I was curious thought, "What the heck, let's Google Image this stuff."

Bad, bad idea.

That's a lot of blood, a lot of tooth and a WHOLE (HOLE) lot of gum...just everywhere.

Oh well. Can't be any more painful than being a Cubs fan...

Tuesday 15 May 2012

When Backed Into a Corner, Always Give In To Pride

I've always loved baseball. The smells, the sounds, the stats; it's all addictive. Growing up, I was always more interested in the actual game than any specific team. I cheered for the Blue Jays because they were the "home team" and I well remember my Dad taking me to my first game. I also well remember him having to shut up some kid in front of us who thought we drove 2 hours specifically to listen to him give us a history of each player. We had great seats behind the Jays dugout and while I can't remember who they were playing, Toronto won the game and I was treated to a souvenir batting glove which was a huge deal because it was neither my birthday or Christmas. 

But it wasn't until years later while living in Indiana that I discovered what true love really felt like: gut wrenching, heart smashing anguish. The first time I walked through the tunnel and saw Wrigley Field sprawled out before me in her glorious brick and ivy robes I knew I was a goner. I ended the evening with a baseball from batting practice, a Cubs win (a Carlos Zambrano shutout against the Astros if memory serves me correctly) and a future of bitter Septembers and indifferent Octobers ahead. Thus began my downward spiral into Cubs Fandom. I survived the heartbreak of the '03 Pennant Race (I don't blame you Steve Bartman!) and have charged optimistically into the following 9 years of continued failings with the rest of the faithful.

Which brings us up to date.

I'm not sure what it is that makes us Cubs fan so self-destructive. Not only do we enthusiastically cheer for a team that hasn't won a World Series since 1908 but we even go so far as to take pride in our Lovable Losers. The kind of pride they talk about when they say "pride goeth before destruction." Because I don't just cheer them on, I actually BET on them! I bet my money and my pride!

You see, I have this rather loud mouthed cousin (certainly not a family trait) who, as an Ontarion, is justifiably an avid Blue Jays fan. And he razzes me all the time about my Cubs. (Yes, my.) So in typical self-destructive fashion, I challenged him to a bet that the Cubs would have a higher win average for the month of May than the Jays. Loser takes winner to a Jays home game AND wears an article of clothing for the team they bet against.

If I lose, I want my shirt to say "Carter" on the back. (One of my absolute favourite passages in the Baseball Bible of Moments: The Book of Joe Carter, Chapter 1993, Verse: 9th Inning - And with 2-2 the count, Carter hitteth the ball a great distance into left and over the wall. And there was much rejoicing. But in Philadelphia there was wailing and gnashing of teeth.)

If I win, his t-shirt will say "Owned."

And just for the record, we're about half way into May and the Cubs are in the lead.

Knock on wood.

*Fun History Fact For the Fans - The last Cubs appearance in a World Series was 1945 against the Detroit Tigers. It was described by author Warren Brown as the "World's Worst Series." Ouch. This was also the origin of The Curse of the Billy Goat (Game 4). Thank you Billy Sianis.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Catching Up

So for all my Xanga followers from years gone by, things have changed on the homefront a wee bit. Wardenman (Kyle) is now living on his own in the Big City and engaged to a lovely young lady we had all previously thought out of his league. (Please don't take anything I say too seriously on this that "league" joke I just told...) I'm extremely excited for this wedding because not only is it my elder brother but because I will be transformed into Gerbs11, the Beautiful Bridesmaid. It's a first time for me. I've even been in a bridal shop now and have been educated in terms such as chiffon and crinoline and taffeta and lace.

I don't know about anyone else in these sorts of situations but in the months since their engagement I've been bombarded with wedding day dreams. I can't remember much of the first one except no one was ready and everyone was freaking out. In the second dream, a player for the New Zealand All Blacks rugby team got up to do a reading and an actual rugby game broke out. The third one was perhaps the most frightening one yet: I  was the only one who forgot the wedding and Kyle had to come get me and I hadn't showered or had my hair done or anything! And since the day apparently revolved around me it was a big deal. (As a side note, a good friend of mine had a dream in which I was cut from the Bridesmaid roster and she was given my spot...maybe Kyle was taking my dreams too seriously).

And just so everyone gets a taste of what an All Blacks reading might end up looking like...

Personally, I think they stole that from N'Sync.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

I'm Baaa-aaaack

Facebook. That interruption of all things Blog. I went from writing book reviews and music rants to updating my friends on my weekly lunch schedule until eventually even that became too much work. Let's not get ahead of ourselves; I'm still very much a facebook user/creeper but when I randomly checked out my old Xanga blog (XANGA!!!) I realized something. I miss blogging! So here I am, ready to bedazzle everyone with what I imagine will be a lifetime of excitement but in reality will likely putter out by the end of this week.

I started by brainstorming what my new blog would be about. My first idea about working my way through Julia Child's cookbook and updating everyone on my successes and failures and ultimately landing a book deal and having a movie made based on my life with Amy Adams playing the part of moi has apparently already been done.

My second idea was about music. A music blog! But then I also like books...and I'm reading a great book about baseball which makes me want to write about baseball...and I love movie reviews...

Well, my third and final idea was a winner. I like me, why don't I just blog about that? And all that other stuff (music, books, baseball, movies, etc) are all inclusive.

Voila! Thus, "Sweet Nothings" was born. (What a crappy blog name, eh? That is simply horrendous).

The next step was deciding what blogging website to use. I feel like I've laid Xanga (XANGA!!!) to rest (quickly, while we're on "XANGA!!!" - doesn't that sort of look like a Japanese manga title? I think I might be onto something...) so I checked out WordPress (at Kyle's [older brother, BFF] suggestion) but we are talking indepth (sorry, just found the italics, had to use it) blogging and I'm not ready to commit myself to that much research and work when I could literally start up a blogspot site in seconds! (There's the bold).

And now that I've effectively blinded you with paranthesis I shall leave you to unwind from all that excitement (3-n-1 usage!) your body is trying to digest since discovering this resurrection of Gerbs11.

I look forward to sharing my world with you. At least for this week...

(And just for the record, Meryl Streep will also star in the movie of my life...she can have whatever part she wants. She is an absolute delight.)